Proyecto USA


Several years ago in the Alicante town of Sax, on an early morning a group of young twentysomethings thought about a crazy and exciting idea: to be able to cross the United States by car from coast to coast with a minimum of money, with no preset route and recording an independent documentary about it.

After planning and analyze impediments trip, in August 2012 the adventure and filming of the documentary was made.

Currently in 2014, postproduction and preparation for distribution at film festivals around the world is ending.


Synopsis: 4 friends, 1 car, 10.000 kilometers.

Género: Largometraje documental, road movie.

Productora y Distribuidora: Cinestesia. Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Año: 2015.


Duración: 73 minutos.

Format: digital movie.

Nationality: Spanish.

Versión original: Castellano, con algunas escenas en inglés subtituladas al español.

Filming: August 2012.

Locations: New York CIty, Niagara Falls, Washington D.C., Chicago, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc.

Notas del director: The idea of ​​“Project USA” arises among friends. It is the dream of being able to make a crazy journey and a film of it. It is a journey and an existential film. It is the real road movie: cross the United States from coast to coast by car through mythical places with our own personal conflicts and our peculiar philosophy of life. With a largely improvised path and script. Miguel Herrero Herrero. Director of Proyecto USA.


Direction, production and script: Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Casting: Christian Simón Agulló, Sergio Pérez Esteve, Diego Martínez Martínez and Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Narrador: Luis Bajo.

Director of photography and camera operator: Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Editing: Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Production assistants: Christian Simón Agulló, Sergio Pérez Esteve and Diego Martínez Martínez.

Supervisor musical: Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Music: The Pretenders, José González, Arizona Baby y The Animals.

Canción original: The land of red man escrita e interpretada por Patricia Brotons.

Sonido: Adrià Sempere.

Animaciones: Joan Martín Giménez.

Stop Motion: Sofía Herrero Gil Y Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Etalonaje: Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Traducción y subtitulado: María Carrillos Morant.

Web: Sergio Pérez Esteve.

Blog: Sergio Pérez Esteve and Miguel Herrero Herrero.

Cartel: Miguel Herrero Herrero y Antonio Andrés Lorente Herrero.

Thanks: Asunción Herrero Martínez, Pascual Herrero Chico, Mª Ángeles Herrero Herrero, Susi Agulló, Juli Poveda, Ángela Castillo, Julián Lara, Pablo Riquelme, Paco Soto, Fran Mateu, Adrià Sempere, Antonio Sempere, Carlos Escolano, Iñaki Gómez, Mª del Mar Almendros, Ruth Lidón, Perfiles Indusax, Antonio Andrés Lorente Herrero, Mari Tere Herrero, David Toral, Luis García Compañ, Daniel Antolín Compañ, Sonia Pardo García, Javier Requena, Adrián Barceló Compañ, Giovanna Castaño Martínez and Antonio Martínez Amat.